The Essential Bio-Chemical Engineering Research Page

This page aims at giving links to various journals of interest to researchers in the
area of biochemical engineering. Not many people are aware of the huge number of Journal
indexes and abstracts available via the web. There are also a number of services which will
regularly email the contents of journals, often weeks before they are actually published.
In essence this page will save you fellow researchers many an unnecessary visit to the library.


Searchable Journal Archives:


Numerous searchable journals

BallElsevier Science Search

Numerous searchable journals

Ball(Elsevier) Science Direct

Numerous searchable journals

BallSpringer Science Catalogue

Numerous searchable journals

BallAmerican Soc. Microbiology

Numerous searchable journals


Searchable journals (not fully updated)

Journal Contents Available by EMAIL:

BallContents Direct

Many Elsevier Journals Available

BallIndustrial Micro. & Biotech.

Register for email contents


Many Springer Journals Available

Specific Journals:

BallJournal of Bacteriology

Contents of from 1991-1995

BallBiotech. & Bioeng.

Not Regularly Updated

BallJournal of Biochemistry

Contents online


Links Pages for Numerous Journals


My particular area of research concerns the influence of oxygen availability on E. coli.

Tell me more!


I am currently working towards a PhD in the Department of Chemical Engineering UCD.

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